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日期:2019-10-24 23:47:00

【Election of Student Union】Welcome to ACEM MBA Student Union Election event!

To all students of 2018 and 2019 grade:

The new semester begins with blossom in cool autumn weather

coming together with 14th SJTU ACEM MBA

Student Union election event.

First of all, much thanks to all members of 13th Student Union

and those who offered their help. Because of your effort and contribution,

we've experienced an extraordinary time in ACEM.

we've experienced an extraordinary time in ACEM.

The new members whom joined in this autumn

will bring us more passion and vigor



安泰MBA在校生联合会 是同学们自己的团队,在这里可以充分发挥主观能动性与创造性,在为广大同学服务的同时,提升个人能力并彰显个人风采。我们热忱地欢迎、期待与志同道合的新同伴们一起,再次超越自我,用更加精彩的表现向校际、国际展示交大安泰MBA的精英风采。

ACEM MBA Student Union is a team of us where everyone can give full play of their subjective initiatives and creativities. In the meantime, by providing service to classmates, personal capabilities will be improved and personal styles can be expressed. New companions are warmly welcomed and expected to join in, go beyond them and show elite demeanors to interschool and international world with excellent performance.


1、  根据《上海交通大学安泰MBA在校生联合会部长副部长任职资格及产生办法》,安泰MBA第十四届在校生联合会部长、副部长招募工作于本通知发布之日起正式展开。
According to “Qualifications and Election Methods of Director and Vice Director of SJTU ACEM MBA Student Union”, recruitment of director and vice director of 13th ACEM MBA Student Union is officially started from the date of notification.

2、  本次部长、副部长招募对象为2018级、2019级全体学生。

All students of 2018 and 2019 grade can campaign for director and vice director.

3、  本次换届将产生秘书处、社团部、宣传部、外联部、职业发展部、国际交流部各部正副部长1-4名(按照各部门实际情况而定,部门职责和正副部长岗位描述请见MBA学生系统http://mymba.sjtu.edu.cn—通知公告)。

Up to four directors and vice directors of Secretariat, Societies Department, Propaganda Department, Liaison Department, Career Development Department, and International exchange Department will be selected during this election. (Based on real situation of each department, please refer to MBA student system http://mymba.sjtu.edu.cn-Notification for the reference of department responsibilities and position descriptions of director and vice director.

4、  本次换届工作分为:应聘报名、报名者资格审查、面试、面试结果公示、任命公告、聘用证书发放各阶段。

This election will be divided into several procedures including enrollment, qualification check, online test, interview, interview result announcement, proclamation of appointment, and issue of employment certificate.

1)  应聘报名 Enrollment


Please fill in application form (Please refer to MBA student system http://mymba.sjtu.edu.cn-Notification) and send work plan of applied department (Department work plan of your first choice which is not compulsory but shall be over 1000 words) by email to Xu Jiayan (crystalxu2017@sina.com) & Xu Jie (pinko119@sjtu.edu.cn) of Secretariat with email theme following the format of “Application to MBA Student Union-Name+Applicated Position”


Deadline of submission is before 22:00 on Nov 4th, 2019 (Monday). All paper documents (Application form and work plan) shall be submitted during interview. Please do check email box after application and contact Xu jiayan through her cellphone 18621011226 if confirmation letter was not received.

2)  报名者资格审查 Qualification check

Qualifications of applicants will be reviewed within one week by Student Union and the interview notification will be sent to qualified members before 22:00 on November 14th, 2019 (Thursday)

3)  面试 Interview

The interview is tentatively scheduled on November 24th, 2019 (Sunday). Please wait for further notice of interview procedure and occasion.

Please attend the interview on time and contact Student Union in advance for further arrangements if the time is unavailable. Otherwise absence will be treated as abstention.

4)    面试结果公示Interview Result Announcement

Student Union will release a bulletin in ACEM official website after director and vice director passed the interview of Presidium and recheck of MBA Center. Shall any MBA student have doubts on the qualifications of director and vice director in the list, he can report to Presidium of Student Union in paper with reasons. Presidium will check and reevaluate the situation with MBA Center.

5)    任命公告 Proclamation of Appointment

MBA Center and Presidium of Student Union will release proclamation appointment if there's no dissent from MBA students within 5 working days since publicity.

6)    聘用证书发放 Issue of Employment Certificate

Election meeting will be held after publicity procedure and employment certificate of 14th Student Union members will be awarded during the meeting.


Shanghai Jiao tong University ACEM
MBA Student Union


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